About the company
We offer short-term parking in five parking garages in Pasila.
Parking in Pasila since 1979
About us
Länsi-Pasilan Autopaikat Oy and Itä-Pasilan Pysäköinti Oy manage a total of nine car parks in the Itä-Pasila and Länsi-Pasila areas. The companies are owned by residential and commercial properties in the area and the City of Helsinki.
We offer a total of 2700 parking spaces for short-term parking and longer-term contract parking.
When the construction of Länsi-Pasila started in 1979, the Länsi-Pasila Car Parks limited company was established to build and operate the parking spaces in the area. The aim was to make Länsi-Pasila a pedestrianised part of town without cars parked on the streets or in car parks, so parking for residential and commercial properties was concentrated in underground car parks. This arrangement allowed controlled parking to be provided at the same time as the area was being built. Similarly, a separate company, Itä-Pasilan Pysäköinti Oy, was set up in Itä-Pasila in 1982.
Vehicles of both visitors and residents will be parked in the same spaces on a rotating basis. This means that the occupancy rate is significantly higher than conventional solutions, allowing for favourable parking tariffs.
The company celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1999. A congratulatory poem written by the staff of the company's accountancy office at the time sums up the company's mission well:
"20 years ago, an excellent idea was born, the West Pasila site. Cars from the streets to their shelters, and no hooligan will knock the rear end, so a resident wakes up happy. In the morning, the exhaust fumes of the car leaving the parking garage evaporate, and the parking garage operator changes. A worker in a hurry rushes to the scene, finding a parking space would be a bad delay. So there's no need to worry when the LPA gives space to cars."